A healthy immune system is the best suits allyan automated mechanism of biological weapons capable of destroying virtually any microbial parasites it encounters. But, like all means of destruction, when it goes out of control can be fatal for one as for the enemies. Fifteen million Americans know this in their bones. They are victims of the group more than 40 disorders that occur when the immune system begins to attack resistant overalls own tissues. Diseases as diverse as psoriasis, multiple sclerosis and diabetes type I caused all of the immune system run amok. No one knows what triggers any of these chronic diseases or, as they can be cured, but nevertheless, the researchers have made significant progress in developing new drugs to treat themdrugs, which represent the first significant advancement in this area in 50 years. Most of these new products of genetic engineering of biological molecules, and most of them are designed to treat rheumatoid arthritis and its close relative clinical, lupus. As with all autoimmune diseases, as a violation of strike women. In RA, the immune system attacks the joints and eventually weakens bones, causing excruciating pain, fatigue and daily bouts of fever. In lupus, the attacks are much more generalized, affecting blood vessels, joints lasix 120 mg, skin and some internal organs. In severe cases it can lead to death. As can be treated, but Theres catch: treatment almost as sharply in the body, as are the disease. Steroids for examplea basis lupus therapyshut down the immune system and suppresses painful inflammation but may also contribute to the arteries, osteoporosis, psychosis, obesity. Steroids, in fact, are among the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in patients with chronic lupus. But things may be looking up, the result of advances in molecular immunology, which stimulated a new generation of drugs. It is becoming clear that cell called CD4 +, or T-helper cells, is one of the major players in both healthy and pathological immune responses. Activation of T celllike branches governmentis controlled series of checks and balances, says Dr. C. Garrison Fathman, a clinical immunologist at Stanford University. One of these inspections is dependent T cell to another cell player: antihenpredstavlyayuschih cells. APC is an omnivorous creature, whose job, among other things, it devour microbial invaders. To initiate the immune response, APC coughs molecule with a problem he had eaten, latches on T helper cells and presents it with a molecule-target, instructing T cells to prepare troops for war. This activation is strictly controlled. It can not happen without blocking the interaction of several proteins move on the surface, so cellsone which are known as CD4. After activation of T cells into a kind of Supreme immunity, activating a cellwhich provides antibodiesand request the release mixture of molecular signals that lead to inflammation. Autoimmune reactions are similar course, except that target cells are the body. Biological response modifiers, as the last drug is known to cram down the answer, disrupting communication between the immune system soldiers. The first and most famous of them Wyeth-Ayersts Enbrel and Remicade, a subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson, which were in operation now for about two years. Both Enbrel and Remicade inhibit a key messenger in the inflammatory cascade known as tumor necrosis factor (TNF). Drugs are more effective than traditional medicine, and more likely to slow joint deterioration. The idea that biological products may be effective against autoimmune diseases has been firmly established history of TNF, says Dr. H. Michael Belmont Hospital of Joint Diseases in New York. This story actually inspired testing almost two dozen new biotech drugs. IDEC Pharmaceuticals in San Diego, California, for example, focused on the interaction of T helper cells and APCs for drug development against antibodies lupus and RA. Their anti-PA antibody selectively disable T cells involved in autoimmune reactions by binding to CD4 molecules on their surface. Amgen, in Thousand Oaks, California, developed a drug that works by blocking interleukin-1, another molecule that promotes inflammation. Thanks to technology generated by genomics, the list of potential drugs is growing rapidly. Human Genome Sciences and Seattle ZymoGenetics, for example, whether the development of drugs to suppress newly discovered factor that stimulates B cells and is produced abundantly in RA and lupus patients. Encouraged by these successes, pharmaceutical companies are beginning to turn to lesser known autoimmune diseases. Remicade, for example, helps relieve intestinal inflammation caused by Crohn's disease, and medications against potential systematic violations of scleroderma and Sjogrens syndrome is well along in clinical trials. None of these treatments is a treatment course, but anything that can slow down fugitives immune system should be considered as a good start. .
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